What are the difference between analog and digital signal
What are the difference between analog and digital signal
We are familiar with the impact of computers. The computers work on the principle of digital electronics .the field of digital electronics is existing fast moving and development in digital technology make it possible which we never imagine before before a few years ago. One of main reason for this advancement in digital electronics is integrated circuit which are the tremendous progress in semiconductor technology. Now a day, we are familiar with computers, DVD players Dolby digital systems, microwave oven etc. The operation of the system are based upon the principle of digital technical and these systems are known as digital systems. We can not imagine today's world without digital electronics. The revolution in digital electronics began with the manufacturing of microprocessor chip which was introduced by Intel Corporation in 1971. The rate of growth in digital electronics has become the most powerful technology for all future innovation for the betterment of human beings.
Analog and Digital System
Analog Signals:- Analog signal are continuous in nature and can have infinite
Example:- analogue signal are sounds , temperature, pressure, velocity sinosidal wave
Digital Systems:- this system which processes an analog signal is known as analog system. In an analog system, the physical quantities can be very over a continuous range or values.
Example:- analogue system are telephone system and magnetic tape recording etc.
Digital Signal:- Digital signal are discrete (different) in nature. A Digital signal can have fixed number of values. Mostly Digital signal have only two values that is 1 and 0 . A value 1 represents a high signal and a value 0 represents a low signal.
A Digital signal represents a
- Logic 1 = High level
- Logic 0 = Low level
Digital Systems:- the System Which process a digital signal is known as Digital system. digital signal can be represent any discrete value.
Example:- digital system are digital watch, calculator, computer , couters etc
Advantage of Digital System over analog system
1:- Flexibility- digital system hardware are very flexible as compared to analogue system hardware
2:- Effective of noise:- digital systems effect of noise is very less as compared to in analog system
3:- Reliability:- digital system are more reliable as compared to analog systems
4:- Storage:- it is very easy reliable veg and compact to store information in digital from as compared to in analog form it is also easy to access and share information in digital form.
5:- Observational error:- analog instruments are prone to observational error while digital instruments are free from observational error like parallax and approximation error.
6:- Design:- with the advancement of digital technology and availability of large variety IC.
it is very easy to design a complex logic in digital system as compared to in analog system
7:- Easy to use:- digital system are easier to use because they directly display data in alphanumeric form on the screen.
Disadvantage of digital system over analog system
1:- Bandwidth:- Digital system require large bandwidth as compared to analog system
2:- Quantization noise:- Quantization noise is available in digital system which is not present in analog system.
3:- Complexity:- Digital system are more complex as compared to analog system.
Need of Digitization
Sample and hold circuit: the analog signal is applied to a sample and hold circuit the sample and hold circuit take the samples of continuously verifying input signal at a periodic interval of a time and keep it till next sample.
Quantization and Enocoding: the sampled value are then approximated to to nearest digital discrete value and this process is called Quantization. Then quantized value are converted to binary form using appreciate encoding.
Application of digital system
Data base management system DBMS used in banks , offices , institutes , shops etc using computers
Process monitoring and control system in industry using computers PLC, Robots.
Digital Signal Processing and digital communication
Entertainment appliance like CD/DVD player, LED TV, digital cameras.
Appliance like photostate machine , fax machine , EPBAX machines, micro ovens.
Medical instruments X-ray machine , Ultrasound machine , ECG machines.
Combustion control in modern vehicle
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